Women in the Tree Care Industry

There is a certain stigma associated with tree workers: strong, bearded, rough and tumble, and in general, not dainty. A lot of our clients are surprised to find that when the crew arrives on site, that we usually have at least one woman on the crew. Folks usually associate tree work with men, and why wouldn’t they? Trees are heavy. Believe me, I’ve tenderized my back lifting many pieces of trees, and I’m no tiny person. Selner Tree & Shrub Care, LLC employs three full time female arborists. They are full time employees, and are some of our most valuable employees on staff.
Let’s spearhead the obvious reason most folks are shocked to find a female on the crew: strength. Forgive me for the generalization, but it’s no secret that women just aren’t built the same as men. Although there are a few anomalies, women aren’t usually as strong as men when it comes to lifting heavy things. These ‘things’ in the tree care industry include: their own body weight, heavy pieces of wood, tree branches, and even certain pieces of rigging gear.
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