How to Prepare for your Arborist Visit
Phil Pruning Oak Trees

Some people wonder what they should do before their arborist team arrives. It may not be every day that you have an educated tree guy or gal show up, so hereā€™s a few small things that your arborist will truly appreciate having done before they arrive.

1. Pet droppings: Please pick up your petā€™s droppings. Sometimes, with a wave of our magical chainsaws, we can have the brush go straight from the tree to the chipper without touching the ground, but most of the time, someone is walking through your yard. It not only gets on our boots, but our hands too! When we climb, our hands typically end up where our feet were. Now, donā€™t feel bad if your cutie-pie puppy planted a land mine for us just as you leave for work, we understand, most of us have fluff balls of fun at home, too. So thank you for helping us keep our boots, hands, and lunches free of digested dog food.

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Winter Protection of Trees and Shrubs
Melissa spreading mulch

This time of year, many people wonder how they should be preparing their yards for winter. We suggest attending to new plantings, preparing evergreens, be aware of winter burn, and protect any trees, shrubs, or plants that might be subject to animal feasting.

New plantings are most susceptible to winter desiccation because they donā€™t have established root systems. Continue to water these new plantings through fall. Watering can be done until frost and is strongly encouraged for new plantings and evergreens. People often overlook the fact that trees and shrubs still transpire (although slowly) through winter. Roots still grow in unfrozen soil, so it is important to tend to them until frost takes over.

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Choosing a Tree Care Company

Choosing any contractor to work on your property is something everyone has experienced. We check credentials for contractors like plumbers, builders, and electricians, but what about tree care contractors? Does anyone think about what to look for in a company that deals with trees? I mean, itā€™s just trimming a tree, right? Or in some cases, itā€™s only cutting down a tree, right?

When it comes to needing tree work, most folks use the approach they take for other large projects such as roofing, landscaping, or even putting in new windows. They have a general idea of what they want completed and they get a few estimates. Now, if someone were to adopt any of the above adages such as ā€œItā€™s just trimming a treeā€ or ā€œItā€™s just cutting down a tree,ā€ price might be the only deciding factor. It is no secret that tree work can be very costly, but do those folks really know what they are getting for their money? Is there any way to know if itā€™s truly a good deal? Here are a few important factors to consider.

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